Series: Key Thinkers in Guerilla Warfare

Any study of resistance and irregular warfare should begin with understanding the big three guerilla thinkers. The following posts contain a brief overview and a comprehensive list of resources for further research covering these resistance core concepts.

Series: Understanding Social Dynamics

Social dynamics are the source code of resistance movements. Social dynamics include social movement theory, theory of mobilization, and social network theory. These resistance core concepts will provide a baseline understanding of how resistance grows and maturates. The following posts contain a brief overview and a comprehensive list of resources for further research.

Social Network Analysis

Understanding Human Networks

Social Network Analysis

Series: The Guerilla Tactical Triad

The employment of guerilla warfare requires a foundational understanding of the guerilla tactical triad. A guerilla force’s three core tactical tasks are the raid, ambush, and reconnaissance. This series examines the concepts individually, identifies thought leaders, and provides historical examples of their application, success, and failure.

Series: The Resistance Tactical Triad

The underground and auxiliary components of a resistance movement practice subtler arts than their guerrilla counterparts. The employment of sabotage, subversion, and espionage are considerably more feasible, acceptable, and suitable tools in occupied or hostile territory.

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